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Harm Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean
1. What is Harm Reduction?
Introduction to Harm Reduction
Harm Reduction Documentation
2. Latin America and the Caribbean: Criminalisation, Human Rights, and Stigma
Criminalisation of Drugs Across the Latin American and Caribbean Region
Human Rights and Harm Reduction
Stigma and Discrimination of People Who Use Drugs
3. Harm Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean
History of Harm Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean
Decolonising Harm Reduction
4. Harm Reduction and Smokeable Cocaine
Long and Short Term Effects of Smokeable Cocaine
Situations of Vulnerability
5. Harm Reduction Programming
Best Practices: Daily Interventions for Body and Mind
Best Practices: Interventions for Empowerment
6. Outreach Strategies
Finding and Attracting New Guests
Building Trusting Relationships with Clients
Broad Spectrum Harm Reduction
Building Referral Networks
Data: Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation
Introduction to Harm Reduction
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